The Story So Far
I am writing this essay around the time that I am completing my engineer’s degree in Poland. This event has caused me to reflect on all the choices that have brought me here, not just to this place but to the trajectory I am currently on. Over the last three and a half years, every once in a while I have asked myself “how did I get here?”. Although I can pinpoint the moment I had the idea to go to university in Poland, I cannot say how I got this idea or why I just ran with it. When I look at the time leading up to that decision I see many smaller choices that put me in the position that led to it, and that's why, when I look back at the big one, the move-across-the-world one, it didn’t seem like that big of a decision at the time. I hope you, the reader, can enjoy this essay and take something away from it no matter if you are a student, cyclist, or just someone at a crossroads in life (or all three).